Ignite Your Confidence with Karen Laos

Break the Rules On Purpose with Heather Whelpley

Episode Summary

Heather Whelpley realized it was time to step out of rule-bound conformity and question the rules she’s been handed. One by one, she examined the rules that told her how to act, sound, and look and decided which ones she wanted to keep. It changed everything. Heather now helps women do the same by rediscovering their voices, taking up space, and unleashing their authentic leadership and life. Whether you're seeking more joy, confidence, or want to take up more space in your life, listen to be inspired to break free and reclaim your true self!

Episode Notes

Tangible Takeaways:

About Heather:
Heather Whelpley is a speaker, author of the award-winning book An Overachiever's Guide To Breaking The Rules: How To Let Go Of Perfect and Live Your Truth, and host of the podcast, Create Your Own Rules For Life. Her work focuses on galvanizing women to rediscover their voice, take up space, and unleash their authentic leadership - and life. Prior to becoming a speaker, Heather worked in a wide variety of HR and leadership development roles in the US, Australia, and Latin America. Her second book, Grounded Wildness, will be published this fall. Heather lives in Colorado where she enjoys hiking, exploring, and getting connected with her grounded and wild self!

Connect with Heather:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heather.whelpley/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heatherwhelpley/

About me:
Karen Laos, Communication Expert, and Confidence Cultivator, leverages 25 years in the boardroom and speaking on the world’s most coveted stages such as Google and NASA to transform missed opportunities into wins. She is fiercely committed to her mission of eradicating self-doubt in 10 million women by giving them practical strategies to ask for what they want in the boardroom and beyond. She guides corporations and individuals with her tested communication model to generate consistent results through her Leadership Presence Keynote: How to Be an Influential Communicator.

Connect with me:
Website: https://www.karenlaos.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenlaosofficial 

Facebook: Ignite Your Confidence with Karen Laos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/karenlaosconsulting

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenlaos/

Clubhouse: @karenlaos

My book “Trust Your Own Voice”: https://karenlaos.com/book/

Episodes also available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEwQoTGdJX5eME0ccBKiKng/videos