Ignite Your Confidence with Karen Laos

Boundaries and Burnout with Jennifer Bassman

Episode Summary

Burnout is real, especially in today’s world! It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the need to balance all the things we’re juggling. Listen in to hear more about Jennifer’s story of burnout and what she did about it. We discuss the number one reason burnout happens and how to avoid it.

Episode Notes

One of the most common topics that comes up when Jennifer speaks to her clients is setting boundaries. We talk about how to create boundaries around the things that make you frustrated and angry. That’s the first clue that you need them! Setting them helps you to 1) Alleviate stress and 2) Be true to your personal values. 

Can you relate to this quote from Jennifer directly?

“My personal favorite sign of burnout: your “Give A Damn” busts. Going to work and dealing with absolutely anything is sheer agony. You feel physical pain just thinking about what you need to get done. If one more freaking person asks you for one more freaking thing… you will explode.”

Listen in for tips!

About Jennifer: 

Jennifer Bassman is a burnout and boundary strategist that helps business owners find their zone of genius so they can focus their time and energy successfully. She is a certified CliftonStrengths coach that believes when we know our strengths, what we do best, our path to happiness and success becomes a lot clearer.


Jennifer’s book, Stop Being A Doormat, gives people an easy method for creating boundaries – without feeling guilty. When we have boundaries, we protect our time and energy so it is available to the people and work most important to us.


She has been a small business owner for nearly 20 years and is the daughter/granddaughter/great-granddaughter/sister/niece of entrepreneurs.


Animal advocacy is a passion for Jennifer and she serves on the board of the Texas Humane Legislation Network. THLN lobbies and fights for better laws in Texas to protect animals. (THLN.org)


Currently, Jennifer lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband and their four incredibly spoiled rescue dogs.

Social links:





About me:

Karen Laos is a keynote speaker and leadership coach equipping women to stand out with unshakable confidence. She specializes in communication: executive presence and compelling messages. Karen champions female business leaders to own their value and find their voice so they can be seen and heard. She also works with teams to create cultures of trust and function at their best.

Karen has coached leaders at Facebook, Google, Netflix, Uber, Sephora, Sony, Microsoft, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Trip Advisor, Bacardi, Levi, and more. Karen’s style is fun, encouraging and results-oriented. She immediately moves past the “fluff” and gets straight to the issue (just ask her clients).

Connect with me:

Website: https://www.karenlaos.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenlaosconsulting

Facebook: Ignite Your Confidence with Karen Laos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/karenlaosconsulting

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenlaos/

Clubhouse: @karenlaos

Episodes also available on YouTube:
