For too long I didn’t speak up when I wanted to, even though I was in a leadership role in my company, working for industry leaders like Google, Netflix and UnitedHealthcare. I found myself focused too much on people pleasing, worried that I would be judged or that I would rock the boat. Today’s episode gives you three specific tips to help you speak up in meetings, in spite of any doubt you may have.
Here are three reasons to speak first:
2. When you want to share your opinion in a way that’s diplomatic and direct, say, “here’s my vote” or “here’s what I think”. Years ago, I was reporting to the president of the company where I worked and one day she surprised me by saying, “Karen, you always come to meetings and ask us what we think. I want to know what you think.”
It took me aback, but I realized she was right. I rarely offered my opinion because I was afraid my boss wouldn’t approve or think it was any good. This method of interjecting with “here’s my vote” felt really good to me because the sentence prompt alone helped me have a strategy in my toolbox when I needed it. After doing it many times now and seeing my clients use this same strategy, I know it works!
3.How to stop rambling and get to the point. Our tendency to ramble is one of the biggest obstacles to presenting well. As a recovering rambler myself, I get it. It’s hard to stay on point when we have so much to say, or we’re nervous. Sometimes we come across as unfocused without realizing it. Or, we realize it and have a hard time knowing how to get out of it.
How do you fix it? Here are two ways:
Some resources for you:
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